10 ways to Alter Your Consciousness Without Psychedelics

In the world of spiritual exploration and self-discovery, many seekers turn to psychedelics for consciousness expansion. While psychedelics can be powerful tools, they are not the only path to altered states of consciousness. Shamanic Yoga offers a holistic and sustainable approach to achieving profound shifts in awareness without the use of substances. In this article, we’ll explore 10 powerful methods to alter your consciousness through the practice of Shamanic Yoga. 

1. Breathwork (Pranayama)

Breathing techniques are the cornerstone of Shamanic Yoga. Pranayama exercises can induce altered states by regulating the flow of vital life force energy (prana) within the body. Techniques like “Kapalabhati” and “Alternate Nostril Breathing” can be used to calm the mind and access deeper states of consciousness.

2. Drumming and Sound Healing

Shamanic Yoga often incorporates rhythmic drumming and sound healing practices. The steady drumbeat can induce trance-like states and facilitate journeying into the inner realms of the subconscious mind. 

3. Meditation

Regular meditation is a fundamental practice in Shamanic Yoga. Through meditation, you can quiet the mind, expand your awareness, and access altered states of consciousness. Techniques like mindfulness meditation and mantra repetition are commonly used.

4. Movement and Dance

Shamanic Yoga incorporates dynamic movement and dance as a means of altering consciousness. Dancing freely, guided by the rhythm of your breath and heart, can help you transcend ordinary awareness and connect with your inner self. 

5. Nature Connection

Connecting with nature is a powerful way to alter consciousness. Spending time in natural settings, practicing forest bathing (shinrin-yoku), or simply sitting in silence amidst the beauty of the natural world can lead to profound shifts in perception. 

6. Fasting and Cleansing

Ancient shamanic traditions often involve fasting and detoxification rituals to purify the body and mind. A clean, healthy body can facilitate altered states of consciousness more easily.

7. Yoga Asanas and Postures

Physical yoga postures, or asanas, can be used to prepare the body for higher states of consciousness. Certain poses and sequences are specifically designed to awaken energy centers (chakras) and enhance spiritual awareness.

8. Sacred Plant Allies

Shamanic Yoga acknowledges the power of our non-psychoactive sacred plant allies, such as sage and tobacco, which are commonly used for purification and ceremony. These plants can facilitate altered states when used with respect and intention.

9. Guided Visualization

Guided visualization and journeying are techniques used to explore inner landscapes. Skilled facilitators can lead you through transformative journeys to meet your spirit guides or explore the depths of your psyche. 

10. Surrender and Letting Go

Ultimately, Shamanic Yoga teaches us that the key to altering consciousness is surrendering and letting go of the ego’s control. Through surrender, we can access higher states of consciousness and connect with the wisdom of the universe. 

Shamanic yoga offers a rich tapestry of practices and techniques to explore altered states of consciousness without the use of psychedelics. These methods are not only safe and sustainable but also profoundly transformative, allowing you to embark on profound inner journeys and connect with the essence of your being. 

Remember that these practices often require guidance and dedication to master. If you’re new to the practice, it’s advisable to seek the guidance of an experienced practitioner or teacher who can help you navigate these transformative techniques safely. If you are feeling inspired to experience a nonpsychedelic altered state of consciousness, check out our upcoming retreats that offer a vast array of these options!


Winter Solstice Musing


Symbiosis of Animism & Shamanism in Yoga