Find out your Dosha!

women meditating for the dosha quiz

And Discover your Shamanic Yoga Archetype

Learn about your unique qualities and how this can help you uncover a whole new world of holistic health and wellness to feel your best.

In the world of Shamanism, Yoga and Ayurveda, there are archetypes that each mind-body constitution expresses. Essentially, it is how nature made you. Learn about your Ayurvedic Dosha and Shamanic Yoga Archetype by taking the quiz below!

In the sister science to yoga, Ayurveda, the archetypes are understood as unique mind-body types, known as Dosha.

Your individual Dosha is your own unique blueprint that describes many characteristics and qualities of your personality and physical nature.

The results from the Shamanic Yoga Quiz combines your Shamanic Archetype with your Ayurvedic Dosha so you can have a deeper understanding of yourself to live a life full of passion, joy and vitality!

An Introduction to Shamanic Archetypes.

An archetype is a set of valued personality characteristics developed in your subconscious mind through patterns of thought or symbolic imagery.

For example, when you hear the term “warrior,” you have associated values, meaning and personality traits associated with this term. You not only have an understanding of what this term means, but also the qualities that make up the traits of this person.

In Ancient Greece, the philosopher Plato understood that the non-physical world (mind and energy) is made up of preexisting templates/blueprints that are expressed through the physical world.

This concept was developed further by Carl Jung who organized a set of archetypes that he observed through shared symbolic meanings across cultures and time. Jung proposed that the archetypal concepts that are stored in the subconscious mind are waiting to be discovered by the conscious mind.

Discover your Ayurvedic Dosha and Shamanic Yoga Archetype!

Answer each question as objectively as possible. Select the option that best describes you for majority of your lifetime, not by ‘once in a while’ situations or experiences.

If you’re having a hard time picking a response, think about what someone else would pick for you.

If you’ve had illness or disease in during your life, please consider how things were for you before that.

Your results will be emailed within 2-3 days, as we review each quiz individually! ☺️