In-Person and Live Online through Zoom

June 25 & 26

9am - 3:30pm PST

Connecting with the Other Side

The entire theme of the Immortality, a Mediumship Intensive, is cultivating a deep connection with LIFE AFTER DEATH.

The main topics for this two day workshop are: Past Lives, Mediumship and Reincarnation.

Through the topics, discussions, and experiential learning, you will have deeper insight to the Laws of the Universe and how your soul is IMMORTAL.

This weekend intensive will help you have the endurance, confidence and tenacity to feel safe communicating with the Other Side.


  • Past Lives

    Our souls have had many lives on this planet and other places in all the different galaxies for thousands, if not, millions of years. For this intensive, we will focus on past lives in this dimension and plane of existence to help inform you of what your soul has already learned and what it is working on learning and overcoming in this life. You will undergo an intensive hypnogogic state to journey into one of your past lives so that you can have the real life experience of remembering where you’ve come from.

  • Mediumship

    Life after death. Communication from the after life is one of the most unique ways to stay connected with loved ones when they have departed from this world. It is your Universal Right to receive communication for yourself from your loved ones. Many will make it seem that they are the ‘chosen’ ones to receive communication from your loved ones, but you are much more powerful than you think! During this intensive weekend workshop, you will learn how your loved ones communicate to you AND through you.

  • Reincarnation

    When we learn about past lives, and that life after death is absolutely real, and that truly one can never actually die, we will start to dip into the waters of understanding reincarnation and why we chose to come to this planet. We will go over the reasoning why we incarnate in the first place, and why we continue to re-incarnate, and is there an end to this cycle? Having an understanding of reincarnation, immortality, and the role that free-will plays in your life, are very important topics for your souls journey.


Each Segment during the Intensive will have a teaching lecture and experiential learning that will take your intuition and psychic abilities to another level. This weekend Intensive will be precisely that, intense. Please be sure this is a weekend that you are able to fully dive into the full curriculum and are able to have plenty of rest before and after the two-days. Due to the spiritual nature and the work that will be done over the course of these two days, it is VERY important that you are mindful of your physical output of energy.

*all times are Pacific Standard Time

SUNDAY - June 19, 2022

9:00 - 10:15am

  • Past, Present, Future - Quantum Reality

10:30am - 12:00pm

  • Psychic Mediumship

12:00 - 12:30pm

  • Break

12:30 - 2:00pm

  • Coming Back from Space

2:15 - 3:30pm

  • The Holy Grail - Ascension

SATURDAY - June 18, 2022

9:00 - 10:15am

  • Touching the Other Side

10:30am - 12:00pm

  • Past Life, Past Opportunity

12:00 - 12:30pm

  • Break

12:30 - 2:00pm

  • Loved Ones - Ancestral Communication

2:15 - 3:30pm

  • A Glimpse of Immortality


early bird price:


(early bird ends June 1)