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Energy Healing - Advanced Training

Energy Healing Course - Advanced Training

In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.
— Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Pre-Requirement: Energy Healing Course - Beginner/Intermediate

This advanced training is a specialized technique integrating modalities from the Quantum Energy Field, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda.

What you’ll learn:

- Hands-on-Healing

- Meridian Lines: Preliminary Acupressure techniques

- Astral Sanctuary Healing

- Medical Mediumship

What you’ll receive:

Each week you will receive spiritual teaching in class and guidance how to carry out your homework.

Each Month, you’ll receive a Complimentary session with Athanasia ($113 value)

A Certification of Completion as an Advanced Energy Healing specializing in Hands-on-Healing.

Course Structure:

We meet online through Zoom.

Classes are on Tuesdays at 1:00pm (PST) for an hour.

This course runs from April 2022 - January 2023 and we take the last Tuesday of the month off.

The final three months of the course, you will have practical experience giving HANDS ON HEALINGS to others.

There are no exams, and for this reason, you are only allowed 3 absences in order to receive your Certification of Completion.

Course Payment:

$1,980 paid in full



Payment is due on the first of the month.


Secure your spot with a $199 deposit and a COMPLIMENTARY coaching call with Athanasia to go over your spiritual goals.

April 5

Energy Healing Course - Beginner/Intermediate

April 5

Spiritual Intuition Course - Beginner/Intermediate