Astrological Forecast for Leo FULL MOON

On January 25th the Sun and Moon are in opposition, meaning that they are farthest apart in the sky, on opposite sides of Earth (Sun→Earth→Moon). 

Sun is in Aquarius and Moon is in Leo (opposite signs).

The theme of this moon is in thinking, “It’s not what you can do for me, it’s what I can do for you (Spiller and McCoy 1985).

When you use this as your intention for the full Moon and next few weeks, you will experience an unshakable sense of your own worth. Opening yourself up to the desires and needs of others, you gain insight into your role here on Earth.

Choosing to focus on others needs freeze you to express your generous nature that in turns supports the worth of others. In this process you will feel more self-worth and feel validated by uplifting others.

You will find enjoyment and happiness when you support your family and friends’ values and needs. Establish your worth by stepping out of your drama, and realizing how much fun you have with your closest family and friends. This will help lighten your whole outlook on life.

Past Life Healing

You are healing lives where you were celebrated royalty in other lives, actors, actresses, musicians, kings, queens, and “stars” in one form or another.

You came into this lifetime with a need for recognition, approval and praise that you are accustomed to from other lives. As a result, you may feel insecurity when you feel ignored or not treated as someone special.

This insecurity can lead you to feel like you must perform according to other people’s standards, and to further other people’s goals in order to gain their attention/approval.

During this Moon phase, you are learning to dedicate yourself to more universal causes that allow you to do your part in furthering the evolution of humanity. When you focus on society as a whole, you allow yourself to be a vehicle for an energy that furthers the goals of humankind.

Your powerful ego assumes a lovely balanced role as a channel for helping your brothers and sisters. By dedicating yourself to universal causes you embody your childlike innocence and are more tolerant of your mistakes. This is because you know your motives are for the highest and best good for ALL.

By regarding others as friends rather than subjects or your own private audience allows you to support their special life force. Their response will naturally and freely acknowledge your dedicated cause of the evolutionary healing of humanity that you support. This opens the gateway to a flood of unexpected appreciation of your generosity of spirit when you least expect it.

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NEW Moon in Aquarius


Wolf MOON - January 25th