Mercury Retrograde and Pisces Full Moon - September 2022

Mercury Retrograde Breakdown

First off…there’s nothing to fear about Mercury Retrograde when you understand truly what is happening. A retrograde happens when the earth is moving past another planet at a faster speed and it looks like the other planet is moving backwards. It’s literally an optical illusion in the sky. Think of it when you are driving on the freeway and you look at another car in the lane next to you, who is also driving forward, but you are passing it and it looks like it is going backwards. This is exactly this same thing that is happening in the sky.

Now that we got the mechanics out of the way, let’s dive into the significance of what this means for us. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, intellect, and speed. So, when Mercury is retrograde (which happens about 3 times a year) it is a period of slowing down your communication and your thinking. It is a time to go sloowww. It is a time to double, even triple, check what you write (emails, texts, social media posts, etc.). Generally, Mercury Retrograde is a time of self-reflection, which is necessary to make sure our mind is right.

Mercury Retrograde Forecast

Mercury stations retrograde on September 9th at 8 degrees Libra (if you’re familiar with your birth chart, take a look at where that lies for you. this is what this Mercury retrograde period will be influencing for you. if you need some help with this, schedule an astrology session with me and I can help you out).

For our collective, what this means is Mercury will be guiding us to slow way down in how we communicate in our relationships. Libra is the ruler of balance and peace in our relationships. Another relevant aspect of Libra is its connection to the air element, which is also related to the mind and thinking.

So, this Mercury Retrograde period, which is from September 9th to October 2nd, will be a sensitive period of time for us in how we communicate with others. As I mentioned before, TAKE YOUR TIME, writing and communicating with others. Go Slow!

Our society has created fast paced systems to be more efficient, yet, we really need to be aware of the sky so we can be in-sync with nature and the cosmos. When you sync up with these rhythms you will find yourself more peaceful, more happy and more balanced.

Pisces Full Moon Forecast

Let’s move now to the next layer of what to be aware of during this Moon cycle: the Full Moon in Pisces on September 10th.

The Moon guides your intuition, feminine energy (all humans have both feminine and masculine energy), and our emotions. As the Moon grows to her fullness in the intuitive waters of Pisces, you will have the opportunity to dive deep into your own intuition.

If you’re able to navigate these waters clearly, you will come out ahead during this period with great insight and clarity for what is unfolding in your life at this time. If you’re emotionally clouded and going way too fast in speaking, communicating and thinking, this will be a very turbulent time for you.

When a Full Moon occurs, this means that the Moon is in the opposite sign opposite from the Sun (the Sun is in Virgo until September 22nd). The sign Virgo is ruled by Mercury! So, here we go, another layer to this period! An EXTRA emphasis to go slooowww!!

I truly believe that the polarity that is created by oppositions (the Full Moon is a great example of an opposition) is a POTENT time to harness great advancements in your mental, spiritual and, even, physical evolution, transformation and growth! It is up to YOU to hone in on these subtle energies and cycles, as well as, connecting them to your own personal life and birth chart, so you can gain deeper insights of how nature created you and why you exist!

Mercury Retrograde and Full Moon!

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty energies of what this Mercury Retrograde period and upcoming Pisces Full Moon has in store for us here on this planet!

Because there are so many layers to Astrology and your own multi-dimensional experience, I literally could write pages upon pages about EVERYTHING that is happening all in a single moment in time. For the sake of keeping things simple and direct. Here are the top things to be aware of during this Full Moon:

  • Express your emotions without judgment (since Mercury rules Virgo, and Virgo has a very hard time feeling comfortable to express vulnerable emotions, there is a tendency to be very judgmental towards feelings and emotions, especially towards one’s self).

    • writing is a very good way to express emotions during this Full Moon and Mercury Retrograde. Because Virgo needs to move the physical body to understand and listen to the emotional body. Using your hand/s to write or type how you are feeling will be very beneficial.

  • Thoroughly self reflect (the mind is a master illusionist. The ego, in particular, will always try to keep preserving itself).

    • dive deeper into yourself by asking “what am I hiding from myself?”

      • Meditate on this question and see what comes up. You can free write to see what comes through from your subconscious mind.

Astrological Forecast

Alright, so here are some bullet points of additional energies to be aware of the upcoming few weeks that I feel are super relevant for our collective and individual experience during this time period:

  • September 9 - October 2: MERCURY RETROGRADE (8* Libra>24*Virgo)

    • September 23: Mercury Retrograde enters Virgo

      • This is when your focus from how you communicate in your relationships will refocus to how you communicate with your self in your daily activities and your health. Do you have healthy positive thoughts?

  • September 10: FULL MOON (17* Pisces)

    • A great day to do a Moon Bath (Chandra Snana) - lay outside under the moonlight, in the nude if possible, to receive the calming gamma rays from the moon.

      • This is an optimal Full Moon to do a Chandra Snana because we are leaving pitta season, which has accumulated a lot of heat from the fire element. The calm, refreshing energy not only from the Moon’s light but also the watery energy of Pisces is a great way to close the season of summer.

      • Additionally, this is a really great practice for all doshas that are pitta, pitta-vata, or pitta-kapha. If you want to find out your dosha, take the quiz here.


    • The Sun will illuminate Mercury’s Retrograde energy, so pay particular attention to your thoughts on this day!

  • September 23: FALL EQUINOX (Northern Hemisphere) & SPRING EQUINOX (Southern Hemisphere)

    • The changing of the seasons is a time to cleanse the body and mind.

    • Fall & Spring are traditional periods in Ayurveda to do a Pancha Karma cleanse.

      • If you want to learn more about doing a Pancha Karma cleanse message me here.

  • September 25: NEW MOON (2* Libra)

    • This is the next Moon Cycle and starts the second half of the Astrological year!

    • Be the first to know about the Astrological influences of this Moon Cycle with our newsletter!

  • September 29: VENUS ENTERS LIBRA

    • Venus is dancing around in the sky and making a many aspects with other planets.

    • Venus is the ruler of Libra

      • She will be here until October 23rd and is a great time to be creative, connect with like-minded communities, and even a time to have a cool detached approach in your romantic affairs.

      • Keywords: charm, harmony, relationship-focused, creativity, artistic expression, meditation, balance, fairness, and politeness, beauty, design, and the law

      • Shadow aspects of this period: over-dependence, co-dependence, imbalance, excess, over indulgence, envy, superficiality, martyrdom

  • October 2 - October 17: MERCURY SHADOW PERIOD (24*Virgo>9*Libra)

    • Think of this as the integration period for Mercury Retrograde

    • See what the Universe brings up for you during this period that is directly correlated to anything that transpired during Mercury Retrograde (September 9 - October 2).

Mantra & Prayer for the Week’s Ahead

Mantra: Om Namah Shivaya

Shiva is the dissolver of illusions. This mantra removes negative energy and helps you know and understand yourself better.


Great Spirit, you are the guide in my life that directs me toward my destiny. Our direct relationship together, helps me see clearly how I can be of ultimate service to you, myself, my direct relations, and all relations on our planet. May my desire to serve you and others grace my heart with pure light and joy. Aho (or Amen, or So it May be, or any other closing statement of your choice).


Libra New Moon - September 2022


The Significance of 108