The Significance of 108

The number 108 holds much significance across many cultures and religions. The sacredness of 108 has been passed down through generations for thousands of years. Though the number has slightly different meanings depending on the person and the context, it always circles back to representing the universe and our existence in perfect unity. The number itself is incredibly powerful regardless of the situation. We need to be cognizant of how it is appearing in our daily life, because it can give us signs and direction when we are at a crossroad. 

As a whole, number 108 holds significance, but each number within the larger number is also important in its own way. 

(1) A God or Higher Truth

The number 1 represents a God or a Higher Truth, depending on your religious or spiritual beliefs. It represents the supremacy and self-sufficiency of a God or Higher Truth. Number 1 can also represent new beginnings and a fresh start, which is sometimes a sign that we need from the universe. If you see the number 1 regularly in your life, consider it a sign to try something new (maybe you see 11, 111, or 1111, it’s a sign from the universe!). You might need to break out of your comfort zone to try something new, but follow the signs and you’re bound to be amazed! The universe is always guiding you to reach your fullest potential, learn new things, and live your life to the fullest.

(0) Emptiness or Completeness

The number 0 can represent emptiness, completeness, unity and the zero point. It is associated with being empty, yet full or complete at the same time. You might frequently encounter the number 0 if you are approaching a pivotal time in your life. The number 0 encourages you to start over, which may create a feeling of emptiness for a while. However, it will lead to a newfound feeling of completeness. Essentially, you have completed a lesson, chapter, or relationship in your life and are now ready for your next assignment from the universe. The number 0 represents unlimited potential, so if you are seeing that number, pursue those big life changes in search of greatness!

(8) Infinity or Eternity

The number 8 represents infinity or eternity, which can be a symbol of infinite energy and love. When turned sideways, the number 8 is the infinity symbol. It also represents balance, as seen with its symmetrical shape. If you see a number 8 in your life, it is a sign that abundance and prosperity might be coming towards you (as in 88, 888, or 8888!). It is a reminder that the universe is infinite in abundance. Be aware that your mind and body create the illusion that you are limited. Along with this reminder, number 8 also encourages self-confidence and decisiveness, so you can use the appearance of number 8 as a sign to use your confidence to make decisions about your future. 

Together, these three numbers create the powerful number of 108. Alone, they are forceful, but together, they become a dynamic number that can change the course of our lives if we listen to it.

Where do I find number 108?

The number 108 is everywhere. There are many different ways that it shows itself. Some are more obvious than others. For example, a mala necklace is an Eastern rosary used for mantras, chanting, and prayer – it has 108 beads. Mala necklaces support meditation and spiritual growth. They aid in relaxation and help bring peace to the mind. Another example of the number 108 is in the Upanishad. The Upanishad is an ancient text that is highly revered in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Some believe that the 108 connection means the sacred literature needs to be studied and fully understood to achieve full freedom. Some appearances of the number 108 are slightly less obvious. For instance, there are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, each one has a masculine and feminine quality: Shiva & Shakti. If you take the 54 letters and multiply it by two qualities, the product is 108.

The Number 108 and The Body

Number 108 also manifests in physical ways, especially in Ayurvedic tradition. The Chakras are energy lines in our body that start at the root of our body and travel up to the crown of our head. It is said there are 108 energy lines that converge to form the heart chakra, Anahata. These energy lines also house the three Ayurvedic Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In the world of Shamanism and Yoga, there are archetypes that each mind-body constitution expresses. Essentially, it is how nature made you. An archetype is a set of valued personality characteristics developed in your subconscious mind through patterns of thought or symbolic imagery. This is yet another example of how the number 108 holds so much power in our lives.

You can find out what your Dosha is through the Shamanic Yoga Dosha Quiz.

The Number 108 and Cosmic Geometry

The number 108 also appears in the cosmic world. The diameter of the sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The space between the sun and the Earth could be filled with 108 suns (🤯🤩). The approximate distance between the Earth and the moon is 108 times the moon’s diameter. The number 108 is so powerful in cosmic geometry that Dr. Manoj Chalam believes that we can use the 108 concept to find life outside of planet Earth (also, 🤯🤩). He suggests that if we study the universe and look for more 108 patterns, we can find another location that supports human life!

Shamanic Yoga 108

Shamanic Yoga 108 has a mission to heal from the inside out. Shamanic Yoga is a system of healing. It combines the earth-based wisdom of shamanism and the basic structure of the yogic path to heal the connection between mind, body, and spirit. It is our goal to bring you into a peaceful and euphoric state of being. 

Ultimately, Shamanic Yoga is a state of being. It is both a practice and participation in life as the most sacred ceremony of all. Practicing and participating in shamanic ritual and ceremony, as well as yoga class and retreats, one can commune with the Divine Creator of the Universe in the sanctuary of their own home or in a community of like-hearted people. I chose to include the number 108 as part of the name because I believe in the power the number holds and the good it can do in our lives. It was the number that the Universe sent to me through very synchronistic events that led me to unite shamanism and yoga in my own being 🙏I would love for you to be a part of our Shamanic Yoga family so that you can achieve the healing and peace that you deserve. Fill out this form to connect with me. I can’t wait to heal alongside you. 🌹


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