Quantum Healing Report

Every human being has three bodies: physical (body), mental/emotional (mind), and spiritual (soul).

The Quantum Healing Report measures your bodies through frequency. The sound of your voice, your picture, your date of birth, height and weight.

The advanced technology eliminates blocked (negative) energy that has accumulated in these bodies to bring you into balance and harmony with your natural state of health.

The human body operates and functions by the electric frequencies being created by the circulatory system & the nervous system - this is why when a heart stops a defibrillator can send an electric current to save someone’s life or a pacemaker is used to send electric impulses to the heart to regulate its rhythm.

Physics reveal that all matter and psychological processes — thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes — are all constituents of energy.

These energies directly affect your physiology, especially your nervous system, cardiovascular system and digestive system.

When we apply this fact to the physical body, it is understood that every atom, molecule, cell, tissue and body system is composed of energy.

Therefore, when the energy is emitted from the device and is received by your three bodies, the energy inhibiting your natural harmony will be removed from your body, mind and spirit.

An email will be sent to you to confirm from AO Scan.

If you have any questions, please email us at info@shamanicyoga108.com

"Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."

- Albert Einstein