Sacred Union -

Plant Medicine Retreat

A plant medicine retreat for spiritual seekers who want to Experience Oneness.

September 22-25, 2021
Santa Ysabel, California

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience sacred plant medicine on the special land in Santa Ysabel!


4 days of Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies

Fire Ceremony (Puja)

Yoga (Asana)

Holistic Nutrition (Ayurveda)

Labyrinth Meditation

Native Plant Nature Walk


White Cedar Playground

Every time we come together to heal, grow and expand our consciousness, we not only free ourselves from old traumas, negative energies, or toxic relationships, but also, our Earth Mother smiles and blesses our lives with even more magic than we could imagine.


What’s Included:

Sacred Plant Medicine

Communing with the natural world, by ingesting sacred plant medicine is one of the most profound and life-changing experience one may have to connect with their organic nature connected to the Earth and Cosmos. If you are interested in learning more about the medicines that will be offered for the retreat, please email and we will set up a discovery call.

Shamanic Journeying

The practice of reaching altered states of consciousness is a shamanic practice that dates back for centuries. Journeying into different states of consciousness gives you the ability to understand your life more fully.

Yoga and Breathwork

Being able to move the body and the breath is one of the most healing ways to prepare your consciousness to working with powerful plant medicines.

Ayurveda + Self-Care

Understanding your own mind-body constitution will bring you specific self-care rituals that bring more harmony and peace to navigate everyday life and when in sacred ceremony with plant medicine.


Pricing Includes all meals and offerings:

Camping $500

Twin Bed/ Shared Private Room $750

Double Bed/ Private Room $900

Payment plans available.


“The Shamanic Yoga Retreat I went to run by Athanasia seemed to come into my life just as I needed it. I had been looking for a retreat where I could do some deep work, nurture and love myself and learn more about life and who I have come to be.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Joshua Tree and loved the variety of yoga classes, breathwork, yummy nourishing food and ceremonies. So much thought and care had been put into our schedule and there was a balance of challenge and support. It really felt like a retreat for my mind, body and soul.”

— Larissa, 31,  from Sydney, Australia


Amazing and magical time in the desert with Athanasia and her sisters.  They gently tended to every detail of our adventure together and, importantly for me, allowed us enough time  and support to journey alone. I feel like I walk differently on this planet because of it. 

— Debra, 58, from Raleigh, North Carolina

Sacred Union.

This retreat will open up your consciousness and heart to the Infinite energy in and around you, waiting for you to create and manifest love into this world!